Friday, May 6, 2011

Will I Never Learn? « What Happens in Salem…

After kicking "Rafe" out of their apartment and ending their marriage, Sami ran to her Grandma Caroline for consolation.

They were actually having a lovely family chat, and when Sami brought up her late Grandpa Shawn, I thought we were going to get a sweet moment of remembering him and reflecting on his and Caroline's long, long marriage.

Instead, this cow goes ahead — and I'm barely paraphrasing here — and moans, "Oh, Grandma, at least the love of your life isn't still out there in the world without you! YOU'RE SO LUCKY GRANDPA IS DEAD!"

What?! How did Caroline not slap the tea right out of that brat's mouth? (Although I did get a chuckle out of Caroline's, "If I had a butcher knife, I would cut Rafe–!") Maybe she's used to it, though. Sami's always been a rude, self-centered idiot, and it's only gotten worse in recent years. I really shouldn't be so surprised.

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