Friday, October 2, 2009

Feast of Guardian Angels

Painting by Denice Taylor Rinks, "Guardian Angel"

Today is the Feast of the Guardian Angels.

Now some nowadays might well dismiss this as just a sentimental notion, wishful thinking, or peter pan-never grow up syndrome. Me, I just find it a comfort. I love the teaching that we each have a Guardian Angel to watch over us, I need all the help I can get and to know that my children have them as well is even more of a comfort. And yes, I believe it. I like being able to ask them for prayers and protection, I like being able to tell my kids to do so as well if they waken from a bad dream or are worried. It's a divine comfort. Really, a Divine comfort. And such a gift.

Now angels are pure spirit so we cannot begin to know what they look like. Which I think is cool as we can imagine them in different ways. As a child we might imagine them in the more traditional or storybook images. As we age we might have very different ideas, or not. But no matter, I think the imagery and the concept and the actuality of Guardian Angels is very powerful and strikes a chord deep within us. At least, I know it does for me. We are taught as a small child in our church this simple prayer:

"Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God's love commits me here
Ever this day, be at my side,
To light, to guard
to rule and guide."

Now, I'm 47. But that can still provide some comfort on those frightening dark midnights or those worried days - to know that I am not all alone, utterly. I have a helper who is far smarter than myself. I'll take it.

So I give you this, from the Office of Readings:

"The Lord will send his angel to accompany you and to guide you safely on your way."

Happy Feast Day!
Guardian Angels, pray for us!

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