Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And today a man, my son...

Today is my first born son's birthday.
It is one of the biggies: his 21st birthday.

Wow, yah, already!
And I know, I know, how did that happen already??
Where did the time go, blah de blah..the usual. 
But, really....

My baby is 21. 
Which means of course this is the landmark bday for being legal to drink....yah yah...
He already has a cultivated fondness for Italian Reds, preferably quaffed in Italy, and for German beer, preferably quaffed in Germany. Or Austria. Or Polish beer in Poland...you get the idea.
Not sure what he'll do in South Bend tonight.....South Bend brew??  Hmmmm.
Somehow I think he will find some fun....

But my BABY is 21.
And he is a fine, fine young  man.  
But  you probably already know that....or know that I'm partial there, at any rate.

But because he IS twenty-one...I simply can't let the day slide by without a list.   
You know it had to  happen, because this is my blog and I love bday lists.  
So, without further ado.....

Twenty-one things about my Chris, my Buddybug, on his twenty-first birthday:
1.  He is a senior at Notre Dame and loves it.
2. He is a rabid sports fan; ESPN perhaps his favorite channel.
3. His personal fav game is basketball, followed perhaps by ping pong; but his viewing favs are all over the map.
4. Except for NASCAR.  Happily, never, never did he or will he  like NASCAR.
5. He is a musician; he has an ear and hands and a voice for music, gifted to him...plain and simple.  
6. He likes all kinds of music, except maybe not so much country or heavy metal...for which I as his mom am forever grateful.
7. He is a genial chap.
8. He is a true friend, to so many, and he means it...once you're his friend, that's it.  Done deal. 
9.  He is a lightening fast Bananagrams player, able to create word combos at a maddeningly fast clip.....house champion - much to my chagrin.  (And tho I put that up as a bday present of sorts....I can still whup him from time to time, and he knows it.  It's good, it keeps him humble.)
10.  He is very even keeled, patient, and calm..which is probably the armor God equipped him with in order to grow up w/ me as his mom and this tribe around him.
11.  He loves his faith; it truly deeply and really means very much to him, and for that he inspires me.
12.  He loves to travel, has done so all over the world, and will surely continue....just like his dad.
13.  Even so, he loves to come home too and is content to hang out with his mom, read, and play volleyball in the pool with his sibs.
14.  He is not materialistic....at all.  He doesn't have cravings for many things.
15.  He is very very difficult to buy a bday present...see number 14.
16.  He does however, and always has, like a good watch (exception to number 14...and good, not necessarily expensive, just "good" simple function.). 
17.  Even as a small boy he was fixated on time, to the point of our exhaustion at his referencing the time, ever so precisely, ALL the time, but particularly as you were running late to school....See number 16.
18. He is often late, despite number 17, and thus, number 19.
19. He is a procrastinator....at odds with number 17, or perhaps because of it (?).  
20.  He loves my cooking, especially my cakes and pie; which makes me ridiculously happy.
21.  He has grown into an exceptional young man, a fine son, brother, friend....and we all love him beyond speaking.

Happy Happy 21st Birthday my Christopher.

You have grown into a fine young man. 
I so very proud of you and love you so on this landmark birthday.....
We all miss  you so much and I am sending you virtual hugs and kisses and birthday wishes today...
Eat some cake!

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