Sunday, May 15, 2011

We’ll just let music speak for me this time | hannahrbaker

Sometimes words just don't seem to come when you most want them to. (Yeah, that even happens to me, surprisingly.) However, something that always seems to speak through the silence no matter what is music. It's what we listen to when we're sad, happy, angry, and the other emotions in between. The lyrics and melodies go deeper and sometimes it's just nice to sit back and listen and not try to muddy it with our own thoughts.

I've felt like this today. I've been hoping I would have something to speak to everyone about, but this I lacked and instead found myself listening to music for a good chunk of time during my day. "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele really did the trick for me today. So maybe since I don't have anything substantial to share with you today, maybe this song will do for you what it did for me far better than anything I had to say would have.


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